Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jersey's Poem

Jersey: My little busy bee

Your joys are simple
enduring like a child's dimple

Chasing a bee or a butterfly

sometimes jumping too high

You lived every day as if it were your last

yesterday is so in the past

You oozed spontaneity

an impulsive zany

Your body in constant motion

I wished that was devotion

But you make your way

with no one else's say

I have learned to accept

that you live with no regret

Happy just being the court jester

you scoff at me if I lecture

You make me laugh you make me cry

and now I have to say goodbye

You will never know the lessons you have taught

good or bad they could not have been bought

I hold you in my arms knowing the time has come

all our memories suddenly stop at this one

One last nose bop for ole' time sake

those big amber eyes, my heart begins to break

The end is here, you must go to the light

but I don't want you to, so I squeeze you tight

I cradle your head close to mine

smelling your fur one last time

Will you understand

my silly, silly man

I will always love you, as I did from the start

but now it is time for us to part

Before you last exhale, I whisper in your ear

knowing that there is nothing for you to fear

Goodbye Mr. Naughty pants, my little busy bee

don't look back, your soul is now free

Just follow the whistle of the All Mighty One

your job here is done

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Long Time

Well too many things have happened since my last post. Some good, some bad.

Jersey died on September 28, 2010 in my arms. Still too hard to talk about. It is hard to explain to people our love hate relationship, but it worked. Now that it isn't there, it is very lonely, empty....numb. Brooklyn feels the absence too. More than two months has pasted, and I thought things were getting better, but in the last week, he is all I think about. Sometimes laughing...but mostly crying.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

YEAH for Da puppy!

It's official, I'm on a puppy list. YAHOO!! It isn't happening until December, but at least I will have a puppy next spring.
Here is the mom - her name is Klick

And here is the dad - his name is Hazer

Here is the link for more information!

It is a local litter, so I will be able to watch all the puppies grow. They aren't keeping tails, but Deb (the breeder) does so much with the puppies I couldn't ask for anything more! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

ASCA Weekend

This past Sunday I trialed at the local ASCA trial and came up 3 of 6. Not too bad, but not great. One 1st, and two 2nds. The first gamblers run, Brooklyn missed the gamble, which should have been a piece of cake for her. My friend mentioned how easy it was going to be for me, and of course that promptly JINXED me!!LOL! In regular she dropped a bar and in jumpers she had an off course (my fault!), but as the day went on she ran better and better, so I was happy. Great weather too. Breezy and 72 degrees. Not too hot for the dogs (and me), yet warm enough. Talked with lots of friends and everyone seems to be lined up for getting puppies next spring. Hopefully I will be one of them. I'll post more once I know for sure.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Pix

And once again I've been lazy on the blogs. Too busy at work, too much yard work (yard is explosive with flowers!), too much time with the dogs, sorry. Two new pix of Brooklyn from the Fond Du Lac trial in April. I need to stop buying these, I'd have way more money in the pocket!

Brooklyn is obviously not holding her 2 on 2 off. She didn't hold it on the Aframe either, so her dog walk was a a long 2 on 2off. Seemed like forever to her, but she got the point.

Q'd in standard, but missed a jump in jumpers. I've gotten a couple of single Q's so I'm getting close to MX, and MXJ. Those darn Double Q's are going to kill me though!

I'm doing some ASCA this weekend, need to start accumulating points for the Nationals which are being held in West Bend next Fall, but the points start now for the next year, so if I want to qualify for Aussie Nationals I have to get my butt into gear!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This and That

Well I haven't posted for a while. Lots going on, but all pretty boring things.
First off. I was excited for a two day ASCA trial I was attending. I never have Saturdays off, so I do not attend many two day trials, but I took a vacation day, so I was happy. Until I came home Friday night after work. EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA ! Brooklyn had poop everywhere. Her entire backside top to bottom was covered in it and so was everything else. Three hours to clean the house up and her of course. She went a couple more times in the night so I knew I couldn't run her at the trial. Went down to the trial to help, since I already had the day off, but left early, so I could let Brooklyn out early. Met with EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA again. Oh boy, obviously it wasn't something that was just disagreeing with her. Something was wrong. Well, once we got to the vet they thought it was either colitis or giardia. After two weeks she is finally better. It was a rough two weeks though. No treats, just her bland diet.
Next, the spring storms have come, which means thunder, which means freaked out dogs. I was able to do some couterconditioning with Jersey (the turkey was pretty good), but Brooklyn went from 0 to 10 with the first clap of thunder. Poor girl, don't know what I am going to do with her. While trying to give Jersey his turkey, Brooklyn is trying to bury herself behind me on the couch, and when that didn't work, how about on top of mom's head. (of course I tried to give Brooklyn the turkey, but she wasn't about the eat then) Now both dogs are on high alert. Any little noise sets them into hyper alert.
And lastly, with sad news, my friend Beth lost her 9 year old dog to hermangiosarcoma. It is a more common cancer in aussies, but it was so abrupt that the loss just doesn't seem real. Everyone is in total shock. Buster has sired many awesome litters, so he lives on in all pups, but he will be missed.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More puppies

Well there are puppies everywhere!!! My friend Amy just got a new golden retriever puppy Yankee!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

mud Mud MUD!

Well spring is coming. How do I know ~ because my yard is pure MUD!

The dogs are leaving nice foot prints behind, where ever they go.

I am so sick of the mud though. Every time the dogs come back in the house, there is mud everywhere. I have pretty much given up on wiping the floor every time they come in. The dogs are driving me crazy too. Since the yard is too muddy they can't play ball, so they are getting a little hyper. I've been working on some new tricks or polishing up old ones, but these guys need to RUN!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Here are some pictures of my godchild Ella. She visited me at work today, and she had fun playing on the boats!

What a cutie pie!!! She turned two back in December.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Growing up

Here are some newer photos of my sister's puppy Isabella

In this photo she is sleeping on top of "her"cat George.

George keeps her entertained ~ luckily he likes her too.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another injury

Poor Brooklyn - she just can't catch a break! She totally tore a nail in half, now she is nursing another injury! She does have nail problems - seems to break at least one a year :(

Got a picture, but she doesn't want me touching it~ OUCH!
It started just half way up the nail shaft, but it is now all the way to the base of the nail, poor baby! Walking around in the hard snow damaged it more. Now she goes out with her boots on. It sure has slowed her down, she doesn't even want her ball. Once the quick dries up a bit, I'm going to try and dremmel it down, but she won't let me do it right now.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Paw Print

Well I've been busy at work (Boat Show season), so I haven't posted for a while, but wanted to show you something fun we did. Here is a picture of the paw prints we did. The dogs weren't too thrilled, since the first couple of times I did it, all the clay stuck to their paws and I had to scrub off their paws. Then I would mush up the clay again, and start over. What I found out was, if I wet their paws before mushing into the clay it didn't stick as much.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

High in Trial

Well I haven't had a chance to take a picture of Brooklyn and her Gigantic Ribbon we got on New Years Day. We went to Waukegan, IL to and ASCA trial and got 6 Q's out of 6 - all FIRST places, and High in Trial Elite! YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think we will ever accomplish that again, but it sure felt good! Post pictures soon!