Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jersey's Poem

Jersey: My little busy bee

Your joys are simple
enduring like a child's dimple

Chasing a bee or a butterfly

sometimes jumping too high

You lived every day as if it were your last

yesterday is so in the past

You oozed spontaneity

an impulsive zany

Your body in constant motion

I wished that was devotion

But you make your way

with no one else's say

I have learned to accept

that you live with no regret

Happy just being the court jester

you scoff at me if I lecture

You make me laugh you make me cry

and now I have to say goodbye

You will never know the lessons you have taught

good or bad they could not have been bought

I hold you in my arms knowing the time has come

all our memories suddenly stop at this one

One last nose bop for ole' time sake

those big amber eyes, my heart begins to break

The end is here, you must go to the light

but I don't want you to, so I squeeze you tight

I cradle your head close to mine

smelling your fur one last time

Will you understand

my silly, silly man

I will always love you, as I did from the start

but now it is time for us to part

Before you last exhale, I whisper in your ear

knowing that there is nothing for you to fear

Goodbye Mr. Naughty pants, my little busy bee

don't look back, your soul is now free

Just follow the whistle of the All Mighty One

your job here is done

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Long Time

Well too many things have happened since my last post. Some good, some bad.

Jersey died on September 28, 2010 in my arms. Still too hard to talk about. It is hard to explain to people our love hate relationship, but it worked. Now that it isn't there, it is very lonely, empty....numb. Brooklyn feels the absence too. More than two months has pasted, and I thought things were getting better, but in the last week, he is all I think about. Sometimes laughing...but mostly crying.