Saturday, June 26, 2010

YEAH for Da puppy!

It's official, I'm on a puppy list. YAHOO!! It isn't happening until December, but at least I will have a puppy next spring.
Here is the mom - her name is Klick

And here is the dad - his name is Hazer

Here is the link for more information!

It is a local litter, so I will be able to watch all the puppies grow. They aren't keeping tails, but Deb (the breeder) does so much with the puppies I couldn't ask for anything more! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

ASCA Weekend

This past Sunday I trialed at the local ASCA trial and came up 3 of 6. Not too bad, but not great. One 1st, and two 2nds. The first gamblers run, Brooklyn missed the gamble, which should have been a piece of cake for her. My friend mentioned how easy it was going to be for me, and of course that promptly JINXED me!!LOL! In regular she dropped a bar and in jumpers she had an off course (my fault!), but as the day went on she ran better and better, so I was happy. Great weather too. Breezy and 72 degrees. Not too hot for the dogs (and me), yet warm enough. Talked with lots of friends and everyone seems to be lined up for getting puppies next spring. Hopefully I will be one of them. I'll post more once I know for sure.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Pix

And once again I've been lazy on the blogs. Too busy at work, too much yard work (yard is explosive with flowers!), too much time with the dogs, sorry. Two new pix of Brooklyn from the Fond Du Lac trial in April. I need to stop buying these, I'd have way more money in the pocket!

Brooklyn is obviously not holding her 2 on 2 off. She didn't hold it on the Aframe either, so her dog walk was a a long 2 on 2off. Seemed like forever to her, but she got the point.

Q'd in standard, but missed a jump in jumpers. I've gotten a couple of single Q's so I'm getting close to MX, and MXJ. Those darn Double Q's are going to kill me though!

I'm doing some ASCA this weekend, need to start accumulating points for the Nationals which are being held in West Bend next Fall, but the points start now for the next year, so if I want to qualify for Aussie Nationals I have to get my butt into gear!